I help people live their best lives. Here are ways I can help you too.

Reasons for coaching

Have you felt this way? 

It’s hard to believe

Have you ever wondered if you can live a good life, on your terms, as the real you?

You don’t know how

Are you unsure about how to get to your next level and what steps to take?

it’s hard to do

Do you wish you had support and motivation to take consistent action?

I understand.

Life can seem hard—successful living can seem even harder. It requires a whole new set of skills, habits, and insights that don’t come naturally to us until we are trained on how to succeed. 

Guessing your way forward, which is what most people do, is a recipe for failure. Following the lead of someone who has already done it and can show you the way is a recipe for success. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and I’d love to show you the way.

As a certified life health and spiritual coach with over 25 years of experience and hundreds of satisfied clients, I’m ready to help you!

Coaching myths

coaching is a luxury

This myth is harmful because it keeps your good away from you. While it can feel luxurious to get the care and service I provide, (I plan it that way….) Coaching is not a luxury. Coaching is a smart choice. When you coach with me you will receive so many benefits that truly are necessities in life. It is necessary to be heard, be seen, receive guidance, have support, get resources, tools for success, to learn, to grow, to be encouraged, to get perspective, and to achieve your next best as soon as possible. After all, life is always happening now and time is precious.

Coaching isn’t necessary

If your child, partner, best friend, or loving family member wanted to succeed at something you would probably recommend they get help right? The same is true for you and getting coaching. It’s easy to think that coaching isn’t necessary but it’s so important, valuable, and needed when you’re wanting to achieve something new in your life or when you’re needing to regain a piece of yourself that you feel you have lost. Ask any professional athlete, business titan, A-list celebrity, or little leaguer, how they feel about having a coach. They’ll say, “My coach helps me win!”

i can coach myself

Would you attempt to fly a plane, build your own home, or perform your own surgery from guidance on Instagram, YouTube, or a book? No. Helping ourselves is good but coaching, just like massage, lacks so much when we try to do it ourselves. Coaching with me will give you perspective you don’t have, accountability that is hard to muster on your own, motivation that is hard to keep, and proven success strategies instead of guesswork. You don’t have to and shouldn’t do this alone. Trying to coach yourself is risky, hard, lonely, and never as successful. It also wastes a lot of time you’ll never get back.

Don’t let the wrong beliefs get in your way.

You deserve help, coaching is valuable, and you are worth it.

Coaching can help you. 

Be more confident.
Grow your business and your freedom.
Have a thriving spiritual life.
Fight overwhelm, discouragement, confusion.
Have resources and strategies to succeed.

Get the benefits of coaching at the price point, style, and commitment level that works for you. 


Highest commitment & investment.

One on one sessions every two weeks, customized personal growth plan, and daily community access.


Flexible commitment. Best value.

Monthly coaching sessions, supplemental teachings, motivation, and daily community access. 


Lowest commitment & investment.

Casual encouragement, events, connection to like minds, and a place to  share about your journey.

what people are saying about our work together

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