Coaching and products to live your #BestLife



I love fostering connection with you. Just choose what you’d like and I’ll share.

Convo – Let’s chat!

Got questions? I’ve got answers! Just scroll to find out more. 

“Who are you?”

My name is Tracy Marie Jacobsen but everyone calls me Teemaree. I’m the #BestLife Coach with over 25 years of helping people have breakthroughs in their life, health, business, and spirituality. I’m also an author, artist, and entrepreneur. Aside from all things personal development, I love my husband Tony, yummy food, learning new things, and traveling. My mission is to help people own their strengths and talents so they can feel like their truest selves and have what they want out of life.

“What do you do?”

I provide information, support, accountability, encouragement, and resources to help you live your best life. I do this by providing one on one coaching sessions, group coaching sessions, personal development products, self help and spiritual books, and a personal growth community.

“Why should I stay connected with you?”

Connecting with me will provide you with support to live the life you want to live and be the version of yourself you dream about.

Whether you want to find your true self again (been there), recreate yourself (done that), or have back up to build the dream you you’re already working on (so important) I’m here for you.

“How do I know your coaching is the right fit for me?”

If having access to regular support for your success in fun ways and at incredible prices sounds good to you, if you’d like to feel empowered, encouraged, and seen, if you want proven results delivered to you in a way that is manageable to take action on, and if you like the thought of being able to access your coaching from anywhere you are in the world, I’m the #BestLife coach for you. Woohoo!!

“Is it true …… you’ve succeeded in four industries?”

Yes. I’ve been in hospitality, entertainment, real estate, and personal development. I rose to success in each from the very bottom. 

Why? Straight up, I needed to make something out of nothing, live a great life, and feel free being me. 

“How come thousands of people come to you?”

I share how to make dreams a reality, how to live life on your terms, how to enjoy the moment, how to be who you really want to be, how to express your talents, and how to succeed in new ways. 

My clients appreciate those things and that I share with love, transparency, and proven life changing information. My clients also love the results they get, the way they feel, and the new things they get to do once they work with me. I think people also appreciate that I’m a real person that leads from experience.

Wanna know more about me?

Here are 10 fun facts!

1. I appreciate cemeteries for their peace and beauty. They also remind me that everything is temporary.

2. I’ve jumped out of a plane, ridden in a helicopter, done a mud run, swam in a sinkhole, and gone zip lining. But, I also scream at scary things that pop out in movies and TV.

3. After watching too much HGTV I decided I wanted to live in a tiny home. So I convinced my husband, got rid of everything, and lived in 250 square feet for four years to make our dreams come true.

4. I like things really clean. When I didn’t have much it used to make me feel free and luxurious and it still does.

5. I regularly marvel at nature and its beauty but make sure my household plants are fake. You never know when I’ll live in another state for a few months!

6. I’ve succeeded in four industries without a college education. I’m proof that nothing can hold you back with the right help and consistent effort. 

7. I’m a hands-up, front row, roller coaster rider and I often wonder why most fun things are just for kids. When I still get on everything anyway, I love watching people’s reactions (it’s usually inspiration!) Which is great because adults deserve fun, cute, and magical things too. 

8. Ever since I was little I experienced pressure to maintain a certain look as a female. It sucked. Now, I’ve shaved my head, rocked men’s clothing, and still dress predominately casual. Even on stage. I deeply believe the best fashion is the look that make us feel amazing and that the best style is whatever’s truest to each of us.

9. Even though I’m a high achiever I love to relax. Some of my favorites are great sleep, quiet times at home with my husband, and starting my days with a long self care/power routine. 

10. I used to feel embarrassed to ask questions and scared to speak up in big business negotiations. Now, that I’ve gotten over that, I’ve saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in real estate negotiations and earned ten times more in business by getting over my fear, being bold in my ask, and confident in my approach. That’s why I’m here to help you!

Official Bio

Teemaree is the Best Life Coach. She helps people experience their own brand of personal freedom. 

She is also the author of four books: 10 Ways to Move From Fear to Faith, Love For You Now, the Love For You Now Coloring Book, and Invite God In. Her 4th book debuted as an Amazon Best Seller in August of 2020. 

In the 25+ years Teemaree has been coaching people, she has developed personal development, wellness, and spiritual products to ensure that anyone who wants to live a better life, can. She is also the founder of an online personal development community. Her transformational methods reach thousands around the world.

Originally from Los Angeles, California, she decided to move to Detroit, Michigan for fun, where she now coaches clients across the United Staes and lives with her husband Tony.

Her mission is to help people own their strengths and talents so they can feel like their truest selves and have what they want out of life.

Her intention is to convey that:

“We are deeply loved. Anything is possible.
We can all live our best lives NOW.”
– Teemaree 

Thank you for getting to know me a little better.

Let’s stay connected.

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One last thing – about what we do together

Every time you do business of any kind with me, we empower women around the world with a portion of the revenue that is generated. This happens through micro loans that give small business owners access to help they wouldn’t get otherwise. Thank you for bettering yourself with my coaching, products, and books, and thank you for being a part of greater good in the world. For more about this, click here

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