Do you struggle with confidence and wonder why it seems hard to attain? Do you wish there were steps you could take to discover a steady and true sense of self? Are you a believer who wonders about having confidence in yourself even though you believe in God? Well then welcome! You’re in the right place.
My name is Teemaree, and I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed on a podcast called “Insecure Faith Meets Joy and Freedom” hosted by Shanika G. The podcast is a space that explores the intersection of faith, vulnerability, and personal growth. The episode I was featured on, episode 17, was all about confidence. As the Best Life Coach, a believer, and someone who has had a variety of personal and professional experiences with confidence, I LOVED engaging in this wonderful conversation and sharing some insights.
Discover how to identify insecure faith, a bit about what I have discovered about confidence that will empower you, along with why confidence can be so challenging to attain, the steps we can take to find a steady and true sense of self, and whether confidence is truly necessary in our lives.
Below, you will see two options for you to join the conversation between Shanika G, the host of the Insecure Faith Meets Freedom Podcast, and me, Teemaree, your best life coach.
Here’s how Shanika G. describes the conversation:
“Teemaree shares powerful insights on awakening to a confidence that is real and unwavering—without forcing it or putting on a brave face. Rooted in faith and guided by Philippians 4:13, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to build a deeper, more genuine sense of confidence in their life.”
– Shanika G.
Insecure Faith Meets Freedom podcast host
The truth is confidence has a wide variety of experiences to it and accessing confidence no matter what is a possibility. To find out more about how I help people overcome fear and increase confidence, check out my confidence coaching program.