It’s day 7 and you now have a lot of wonderful tools to help you build your confidence. Today is all about using those tools and acting swiftly. I have found both personally and with clients, that acting fast is a surefire way to get results and achieve goals. Delay invites fear and doubt to come in. Acting swiftly allows you to set up for success right when you’re feeling the strongest. When you do this, you support yourself when you are the strongest and you allow yourself to foster more confidence in your abilities. Ready to act fast toward your success? Let’s go!

Today start out by filling in the following:


Now that you have written down three things you really want to do, you are going to use some of the wonderful things you’ve learned so far and take swift action.

At this point you know you’ve gotten through fear successfully in the past. You know that you can believe in things and they will come to pass. You know that you can be vulnerable and get a lot of good from it. You also have begun to identify how good it feels to be confident and that you can help yourself feel that way. So today you will remember all these things and take swift action.

Those 3 things you want to do that you wrote above? Choose one of them and do something today toward doing it.

If you can’t totally do it today, for example, if you wrote: I really want to go skydiving. Your assignment wouldn’t be to actually go skydiving today, (unless you actually could.) Your assignment is to take a step toward what you said you want. So, you may book the appointment to go, research where you are going to do it, and/or tell someone when you are going to do it.

Select something you said you wanted to do and do it or make the plan to do it so you get started. Today is all about using what you have learned so far and taking a swift yet reasonable action in confidence. 

Now write

Transformation Tip

Acting fast shows you and the universe that you’re ready. That you’re not going to take no for an answer. It shows that you’re expecting to be the person you dream about, doing the things you dream about. Acting fast gives you an advantage because you get into action before fear can paralyze you from moving forward.

Power Point

Make the call, make the plan, make the investment, make the choice. Like Nike says,”Just do it.”

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